International Education Management at NAFSA

Almost 40 Monterey Institute faculty, staff, students and alumni participated in the recent NASFA Association of International Educators conference. Photo: Lars Schlereth.

The Monterey Institute made its presence in the field of International Education Management felt at the recent NAFSA: Association of International Educators Region 12 conference in San Diego. Thirty-seven students, one staff and two faculty members from the International Education Management program attended the conference.

With record attendance, this conference offered professional training for international education practitioners in the areas of study abroad design and administration, training in international student immigration regulations and strategies for marketing and student recruitment. Students and faculty took the opportunity at the conference to deepen their knowledge of the field, expand professional networks, and identify organizations interested in hosting students during the professional practicum that is part of their master’s degree program.

Eight Monterey Institute community members presented their research or facilitated sessions at the conference. They included:

  • Juliet Tyson (MAIEM ’14) and Anessa Escobar (MAIEM ’14) “What’s Up with Culture?”
  • Kirsten Greene (MAIEM ’13) and Alex Nichol (MAIEM’14) “Mentoring in International Education: Strategies for Success”
  • Alisyn Henneck (MIIS staff member and MAIEM ’13) “EducationUSA: Global Student Mobility Trends Go Local”
  • Alisyn Henneck and MacKenzie Hizon (MATESOL ‘06) presenting “Building Your Institution’s Brand: Using Video to Showcase the Student Experience”
  • Jay Ward (MAIPS ’83)) presenting “Professional Development Opportunities with the International Education Administrators Fulbright Program”
  • Dr. Katherine Punteney, professor and IEM program chair also co-facilitated a nine-hour training on J-1 immigration regulations

“I really enjoyed attending the Region XII NAFSA conference in San Diego last week,” says Chanel Bell (MAIEM/MPA ’15). “Being new to the field, it was great to network with other professionals and learn about the topics affecting international education. I also appreciate how much support and encouragement the IEM faculty gave us in preparation for and throughout the conference. I am looking forward to attending the national conference next May.”