The Digital Learning Commons staff have been coordinating with Middlebury Library & Information Services (LIS) to bring some overdue improvements to the Monterey Institute’s internal website and blogging platform: Blogs@MIIS.

Improvements to look forward to:

  1. Logins will be managed by Middlebury’s centralized authentication system otherwise known as “CAS.”  This update is scheduled for the early morning of July 18, 2013.
    Current users with credentials should not experience any major changes other than being re-directed to Middlebury’s login page and then back to “Blogs@MIIS” after a successful login.  MIIS WordPress users with non accounts who are not able to login should review the Alumni & Guest Accounts information page and complete the “reconnect” form to let the staff of the DLC know which sites you are trying to access.
  2. With CAS comes additional tie-ins with the web groups and information systems features in Outlook.  This plug-in update will be deployed along with the CAS update.
    Site administrators will be able to add individuals and entire groups of additional subscribers and authors to their blog sites on their own – a service that the Digital Learning Commons had previously handled manually and upon request.
  3. An improved “Private Blogs” plug-in allowing users to generate RSS feeds from sites and into web reader services.  This plug-in update will be deployed along with the CAS update.
    This plug-in should offer additional flexibility for faculty or campus groups wishing to keep their blog sites out of the public eye, while at the same time offering convenient feeds to newsreader services and aggregators.

If you have any questions or concerns about Blogs@MIIS access or functionality, please e-mail the Digital Learning Commons at miisdlc at