Technology fits when education is the right shape. Let’s play with shapes!
Making technology fit
*Bring your own laptop or tablet* to this minds-on workshop designed to model a possible next-gen learning environment using wet and dry tech. Using the Question Formulation TechniqueDesign Thinking Process, and various “web 2.0″ cloud collaboration tools, we will delve into the role of technology in learning and will co-create a record of our work together. Don’t just hear about the possibilities, experience them!
What: Minds-on workshop examining and experiencing the technology-learning-teaching relationship
When: Wednesday, October 10, 4-6:00 PM
Where: MIIS Digital Learning Commons, 420 Calle Principal, downtownMonterey (Next door to Montrio Bistro)
Session Facilitators: This free community workshop is a collaboration between education technologists Aaron Eden of Stevenson School, Kevin Brookhouser of York School, and Bob Cole of the Monterey Institute of International Studies.

Space is limited – Please RSVP Below