Congratulations to the recipient of this year’s Leslie Eliason Excellence in Teaching Award: Professor Peter Shaw of the Graduate School of Translation, Interpretation, and Language Education.  Professor Shaw has a record of excellence in teaching and an ongoing, inspiring commitment to providing our students the highest quality education possible.  He has worked with countless students to ensure their success in both their academic and career objectives, and dedicated himself to building a strong community of excellence at MIIS.

As a professor dedicated to his students and to delivering quality education, Professor Shaw reflect much of what Professor Eliason also dedicated her teaching efforts towards.  Leslie Eliason was a strong woman, dynamic and passionate about her chosen profession of teaching.  She pursued her responsibilities as a teacher and mentor with great warmth and care for her students and colleagues, reflecting her intelligence, integrity, good humor, and commitment to quality in all of her endeavors.

Similarly, Professor Shaw has had impressive intensity and thoroughness in his role as teacher, colleague, mentor and advisor.  As was true for Professor Eliason, Professor Shaw is interested in building the capacities of his students, in helping them and the Institute reach their greatest potential, and in working collaboratively with his colleagues across programs and graduate schools to achieve their goals.  There is no question that Professor Shaw has demonstrated consistently the qualities Professor Eliason valued the most — hard work, intense and at times passionate commitment to students and sound academic programming, and good collegial interactions and collaborations.

Congratulations to Professor Shaw who will also be the December Commencement speaker.  We will celebrate his selection in early September once our new academic year has gotten started. More details will follow about the award ceremony.