Benefits open enrollment is being conducted electronically again this year.  HR has again worked with LIS to improve and enhance the electronic open enrollment process from last year.   You will be receiving an e-mail detailing our 2011 benefits as well as step-by-step instructions on how to enroll using BannerWeb.  Human Resources will gladly help you through the process; if you have questions please call x3520.

All benefits eligible Faculty and Staff are required to complete Open Enrollment between November 1st & 14th.


The Affordable Care Act changes the definition of medical expenses for Health Care Flexible Spending plans.  Beginning January 1, 2011 Over-The-Counter (OTC) drugs and medicines must be accompanied by a physician’s prescription in order to be reimbursed under a Health Care Flexible Spending Account.  This means that items such as cough medicines, pain relievers, acid controllers, and diaper rash ointment will now require a doctor’s prescription to be submitted along with the reimbursement request.  Insulin and other OTC items, such as band-aids, will continue to be eligible without a prescription.  Please visit the Flexible Spending Accounts web page for answers to frequently asked questions about this important change and listings of eligible expenses.
Remember, per IRS rules, money in flexible spending accounts that is not used during the plan year must be forfeited.