In line with our commitment to align basic employee benefits with those of Middlebury, the Board of Trustees has endorsed the adoption of a new approach to time of for MIIS staff.  A full description of the new policies will be forthcoming later in the spring as we work through the operational details, but the essential elements are:

* Combined time off, instead of separate banks of sick and vacation time, to give the employee greater  discretion and responsibility for the use of time off.
* Ability to transfer excess CTO hours into an unlimited Sick Leave Reserve
* A medical leave assistance policy, which will allow staff to share some of their time off with colleagues in need.

Because of changes in the schedule of accruals, a  small number of people will lose up to one day, but will realize that loss only if they routinely use up all their sick time.  Most staff members will see an absolute increase in time off, in addition to the greater flexibility.

Stay tuned for further details.