GSTI invites translation and interpreting researchers, trainers, practitioners and students to submit papers for the 2009 Monterey Forum on “Principles and Practices of Assessment in the Training of Translators and Interpreters.”

The FORUM will take place April 3-4, 2009.

We invite papers addressing assessment practiced in translator and interpreter training programs, including the assessment of:

* applicants’ aptitude to enter a program

* in-class performances of consecutive and simultaneous interpreting by teachers, students and peers

* translation assignments

* qualifying and exit exams

Please submit your abstract (up to 300 words) by email to Include your name, affiliation and contact information. Submission deadline: December 15, 2008.

Program details will be announced in January 2009. Registration fees are: General -$150; MIIS alumni – $75. Please contact to register.