We’ve just installed Jetpack on sites.middlebury.edu. This plugin replaces the WordPress.com stats plugin that many use to keep track of how many people are viewing their sites.
If you own or are an administrator on a site that used the WordPress.com stats plugin, we encourage you to update to JetPack. For more information, see:
Plugins > Jetpack
Update: We have had reports that updating from WordPress.com Stats plugin to Jetpack may prevent access to historical site statistics. If such statistics are important to you, we recommend not updating to Jetpack until these issues are resolved.
JetPack also has a number of other features including a Twitter widget, support for LaTex markup and a spelling, grammar and style checker. For more information, see:
I’m just following-up on this (finally). I didn’t see Jetpack in the list of available plugins, so I checked back on your blog post here and noticed the update about Jetpack not allowing access to historical site stats. That pretty much makes it a huge no-go for me, at least until that is fixed (and most others, I’d imagine). Shouldn’t we send out a “don’t install Jetpack if you want to see historic site stats” message at least to Liaisons at least and maybe also LIS Staff?
We discovered two sites that lost access to historical stats when they updated from WordPress.com Stats plugin to Jetpack. Fortunately, deactivating Jetpack and reactivating WordPress.com Stats resolved the issue on these sites.
As soon as we found out about this, we deactivated Jetpack and sent an email to all owners of sites that use WordPress.com Stats plugin informing them of the issue. So at this point nobody can use Jetpack until we reactivate it.
Since then we have updated a number of sites and have not had any problems. As well, we discovered that the two sites that lost historical stats had unusual configurations. We plan to research the issue a bit more before making Jetpack more widely available.
Hope this makes sense.