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Kashmiri War Mothers Find Ways to Grieve

by Shazia Yousuf –Indian-administered Kashmir– When I met Taja Begum in the winter of 2009, I could tell she was dying soon. Taja, 75, was skin and bones. Every time she spoke, her trembling hands went up to soothe her

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

Heroes Never Die: The Sundown Parade at the Wagah Border

by Urmila Chanam -India- The cover from enemy fire at the position he decided to occupy was scant, exposing him and his buddy to extreme danger. But he would go ahead with his plan for he had a commanding view

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics, The World

Back to the War Zone of Iraq

by Miaad A. Hassan –Iraq– Over the past five years I have made several trips to Iraq, the country where I was born and the country I left in 2005. Although each trip carries its own memory of places, people,

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

Nepal: Civil War Victims Protest Blanket Amnesty for Human Rights Violators

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by Chin Cabrido -Nepal- On April 1, 2013, Nepal’s Supreme Court overturned an ordinance to implement the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), sparking a debate about whether public executions would soon be carried out as punishment for heinous crimes during

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

“No Justice? No Peace!” The Women Absent from Colombia’s Peace Talks

by Moira Birss –Colombia– “No Justice? No Peace!” Never has this chant, which I have heard so often at anti-war rallies, felt so real to me as during the last few months observing the ongoing peace negotiations between the Colombian

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

A Family Home Torn Apart in Syrian Government Shelling: Home is Where the Heart Is

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by Aloosh Devrim –Syria– Araa, a 37-year-old mother, dashes through the house, hysterically inspecting one room after the other. She is shivering in panic. She tries to collect as much as she can from the shattered household items. Here and

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics

Korean Comfort Women Fight Back

by Leslie Patrick –South Korea– She smiles brightly as she pushes her walker past me on the garden path. Though her eyes have turned milky with cataracts and age, her gaze is bright. She is tired of fighting. I am

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

With Love and Respect, a Syrian Mom Dares Bashar

by Aloosh Devrim –Syria– Sunk deep in thoughts, Rania sits alone in her dark room oblivious to the thumping of feet on the roof where neighbor’s children are playing. The screams of Yousaf, her three-month-old, and the ringing telephone simultaneously

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics

Hell and Back Again Brings Home The Psychological Devastation of War

by Alexandra Marie Daniels –USA– This week marks the 10th anniversary of the war in Afghanistan. For most of us, this is a relatively insignificant fact in our daily lives. We acknowledge our military as distant heroes, doing important work

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September 11th: Reflecting on Why We Are Here

by Katharine Daniels and Alexandra Daniels The WIP Looking back we remember Felicia, our Brooklyn sister and loyal friend. The woman who always greeted you with a big smile and a sincere “Hi there sweet cheeks.” Every year, we put

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The WIP Editorial

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