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A Family Home Torn Apart in Syrian Government Shelling: Home is Where the Heart Is

devrim shelling

by Aloosh Devrim –Syria– Araa, a 37-year-old mother, dashes through the house, hysterically inspecting one room after the other. She is shivering in panic. She tries to collect as much as she can from the shattered household items. Here and

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics

One Billion Rising Against Sexual Violence: Will It Be Enough for India?

by Chryselle D’Silva Dias –India– I was a schoolgirl when I first experienced harassment on public buses in Mumbai. I still remember the red double-decker #361, the conductor with the pock-marked face and thick black moustache not moving an inch

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

Korean Comfort Women Fight Back

by Leslie Patrick –South Korea– She smiles brightly as she pushes her walker past me on the garden path. Though her eyes have turned milky with cataracts and age, her gaze is bright. She is tired of fighting. I am

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

Palestinian Women Are Being Failed by Refuge and Shelter Services

by Arwa Aburawa –U.K.– When I first heard about the murder of Nancy Zaboun in Bethlehem on Monday, July 30, all I could think about was that another woman had been let down by the system. A weak and underfunded

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

Female Perspectives on Ending Sexual Violence: Survivors Helping Survivors

by Stephanie Koehler –USA– When she was in third grade, Alex’s stepfather asked her whether she knew what the word ‘rapist’ meant. One would think that this is not exactly a term a 9-year-old could fully comprehend. Yet, since elementary

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Rape Survivors in the Military: Invisible No More

by Alexandra Marie Daniels Arts, Culture & Media Editor “If everyone knows, it can’t be a secret.” – The Invisible War “If you could do one thing political this month, go see this film.” These words stay with me in

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Tolerance Toward Spousal Abuse in Egypt Persists Post Revolution

by Manar Ammar –Egypt– When Marwa* arrived at the hospital, her left arm was dangling beside her body like a lifeless piece of cloth. After examination, the doctors told her that her upper arm was shattered in three spots, and

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

Dowry Rising Among Muslims in Kashmir

by Nusrat Ara –Indian-administered Kashmir– Shazia Akhtar and her family have been preparing for months for her wedding. The family has saved for years for the big day. With marriages in Kashmir getting more expensive, the burden seems to be

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

Inflation in Kenya Drives Women to Commercial Sex Work

by Rachel Muthoni -Kenya- With the current inflation in Kenya, the number of Commercial Sex Workers (CSW) in Nakuru, the capital of the most populated Rift Valley province, is rising steadily – a trend that began after the 2007-2008 post-election

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Posted in Economy, FEATURE ARTICLES

Despite Profits, Beer Companies Do Not Provide Living Wage For Cambodian Promoters

by Michelle Tolson –Cambodia– Entertainment venues are very popular in Cambodia. They are well supplied with beer and young women to serve it. Karaoke clubs and beer gardens are frequented by Khmer men who expect women to sit and drink

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Posted in Economy, FEATURE ARTICLES

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