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Indian Mothers Reject Overprotective Parenting

by Swati Sanyal Tarafdar –India– “I always walked back home after school, mostly all by myself, and sometimes accompanied by a friend who might be sharing a part of the journey. And I have allowed my children to do the

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

Iran’s Nuclear Program: A Generational Divide

by Ghazal Rahmanpanah –Iran/USA– In the summer of 2013, three decades after the end of the Iranian hostage crisis, the windows of the former United States embassy in the heart of downtown Tehran were washed once again and colorful murals

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, MIIS Update, Politics, The World

The Great Invisible Explores Human Cost of Deepwater Horizon Disaster

by Danielle Steer –USA– I recently read that your 20s are a defining decade in regards to a person’s development. As I near the end of my 20s and reflect, one summer stands out among the rest. In April of

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They Think We’re Coming for their American Dream: The Salvadorian Immigration Epidemic

By Ghazal Rahmanpanah –El Salvador/USA– A century ago immigration in the United States was synonymous with the image of ships arriving at Ellis Island filled with Central, Eastern and Southern Europeans seeking refuge from war and poverty. Today the topic

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics, The World

#WomenCallAction: Illuminating the Relevance of Women Directing U.S. Media

by Rachel Feldman –USA– As a woman director who has been working in Hollywood for 30 years, banging the drum for gender equity behind the camera, I am delighted by so many voices coming together in unison, protesting the downright

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Restoring First Foods to the Columbia River Basin

by Michelle Tolson -USA- “I want to make money, but I have to take care of the fish,” said Yakama Nation fisherwoman Caroline Looney Hunt when asked how much salmon she sells each year. “I sell it locally to our

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Indigenous Interpreters Provide Missing Link for Natividad Medical Center Patients

by Kate Daniels Kurz, The WIP Director Natividad Medical Center, located in Salinas, California – the heart of California’s “Salad Bowl” – is one of the state’s 19 public safety net hospitals. Providing healthcare services to patients regardless of their

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Posted in Economy, Education, FEATURE ARTICLES

Dependency and Power: Nomi Prins on All the President’s Bankers

by Kirstin Kelley, Graduate Assistant Editor Nomi Prins’ recently published book, All the Presidents’ Bankers: The Hidden Alliances That Drive American Power, covers 100 years of banking and political history in the United States.  Reading the book is eye opening. 

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Posted in Economy, FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics

On Feminism, Identity & Latinas in Arts and Literature: An Interview with Cristy C. Road


by Andrea Dulanto –USA– In December 2012, Brooklyn-based artist and writer Cristy C. Road came back home to Miami to read at Sweat Records from her latest graphic novel, Spit and Passion. The autobiographical narrative centers on Road’s early adolescence

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Medical Tourism: When Push Comes to Shove, My Embryonic Stem Cell Adventure Begins

by Amy B. Scher –USA– I am on a 21-hour flight, I am disabled, uncomfortable, and in pain. I hate crowds, I get anxious when I cannot escape from a small space, and I am not fond of germs. I

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Special Election Coverage

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