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Advocacy Tours Transform Local Development Issues into Tourist Spectacles

by Katie Palmer –Canada– Recently I partnered with a colleague from OneChild, a children’s rights organization, to travel throughout Cambodia, Laos, and Thailand for several weeks to investigate prevalent social issues affecting children and youth in the region. Such issues

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Posted in Economy, FEATURE ARTICLES

Generation ‘Y’ Leads the Way in the Rise of Active Global Citizenship

by Katie Palmer –Canada– In recent years, there has been a slight yet noticeable shift among many Western young adult travelers. Once adventurously backpacking across Northern Europe and other parts of the world, they now combine cheap travel to the

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

New Integrated Resorts Source of Social and Environmental Problems in Singapore

by Katie Palmer –Canada– At first glance, it seems as if the Government of Singapore has developed a brilliant plan to create jobs for local Singaporeans, to boost tourism, and to generate large amounts of revenue. By opening two world-class

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Posted in Economy, FEATURE ARTICLES

Costa Rica’s Peaceful Environment Has Not Occurred by Chance

by María Suárez Toro – Costa Rica/Puerto Rico – Millions of tourists have visited Costa Rica, affectionately know as “ticolandia,” for decades, attracted to it largely because its protection of both its lush forest and coastal areas means it offers

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics

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