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High-Speed Internet Needs to “take on the status of rural electrification in the 30s” in Western Massachusetts

by Megan Tady – USA – For Maureen Mullaney, helping her kids with their homework takes more than just proofreading their papers. Fed up with a painfully slow dial-up Internet connection at home, Mullaney often drives her children into town,

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Posted in Economy, FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics

NASA Confirms This Year’s Arctic Ice Is the Lowest Ever Recorded: To Nobel Nominee the Consequences Are Real

by Sarah Wyatt – USA – “The Arctic is not a wilderness or a frontier. It is our home. It is our homeland…Our entire way of life as we know it may end in my grandson’s lifetime.” The once-heated debate

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The Toxic Trade in Electronics Waste: Out of Sight, Out of Mind

by Victoria Stirling – Canada – Tragedies causing sickness, death and the poisoning of the environment in countries far away from us are devastating many Third World Asian countries today, and I am not talking about AIDS. No, this is

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Raise Yourself Above The Noise – BlogHer 2007 Makes “A World of Difference”

Katharine Daniels Executive Editor, The WIP – USA – This past weekend I attended the third annual BlogHer conference in Chicago, Illinois. Participants networked, socialized, and attended presentations by successful female bloggers from all online spheres of life. This year’s

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The WIP Editorial

Newly Developed Technologies Designed to Assess and Mitigate Geo-Hazard Risks Could Effectively Save Thousands of Lives in Southeast Asia and Beyond

by Imelda V. Abano – Philippines – “I was working on our small vegetable farm in our backyard when I felt the earth tremble. I looked up and saw the landslide coming towards me. I hurriedly ran inside our small

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The Politics of Blogging in France

by Aralena Malone-Leroy – France – With a record-breaking voter-participation of 86% registered on May 6th, the French citizen’s participation in politics appears to have taken a positive turn from resignation and apathy to genuine interest and action. The reasons

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TechnoServe Transforms Lives by Investing in Rural Guatemalan Entrepreneurs

by Marianne Taflinger Intern, The WIP – USA – To people born in the highlands of Guatemala, life choices look bleak. While about 69.1% of Guatemalans attain literacy by the time they are adults, they have limited or no health

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The WIP Editorial

The Tumaini Kids Blog: Possibly the First Orphan and Vulnerable Children (OVC) Written Blog on the Internet

by Claire A. Williams and Lara Vogel – USA/Kenya – It all started with a note passed through the kitchen window. We were instructed to look at it, and then “repeat for me later.” Dutifully, we read: “I [greet] you.

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A Review of ‘Made to Break”: Technology and Obsolescence in America

by Anna Clark USA Green consciousness is finally hitting that bastion of carbon emissions with a war-inducing appetite for oil: the American automobile. Between the nationwide Step It Up campaign of community activism and Al Gore’s Academy-Award winning documentary, An

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Cherchez La Presse: Paris, the World’s First Free Wi-Fi Capital

by Aralena Malone-Leroy – France – In June 2007, at the precise moment when thousands of tourists will be meandering down the Champs Elysées, contemplating the statues of philosophers lining the façade of the Hôtel de Ville, or strolling hand-in-hand

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