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Israel Must Move Beyond War

by Patricia DeGennaro –USA– Israel’s May 31, 2010 attack on the Freedom Flotilla in international waters garnered nothing more than global condemnation. The assault on six ships with approximately 700 activists carrying 10,000 tons of aid to the besieged Gaza

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics

The Women of Brukman: Revolutionary Spirit in the Wake of Argentina’s Economic Meltdown

by Jessica Mosby – USA – – March 8th – Today we celebrate International Women’s Day with our sisters and mothers, aunts and grandmothers, cousins and daughters, and most of all, with our writers, who have become family. On this

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Posted in Economy, FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics

Broadway Corporations like Disney Make Millions as Stagehands Strike to Save Homes, Jobs

by Nancy Van Ness – USA – I cross 42nd Street and walk up Times Square. It is a cold, windy, rainy day but I had promised to come. I continue past the army recruiting center and the police headquarters;

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