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The Great Invisible Explores Human Cost of Deepwater Horizon Disaster

by Danielle Steer –USA– I recently read that your 20s are a defining decade in regards to a person’s development. As I near the end of my 20s and reflect, one summer stands out among the rest. In April of

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A Matter of Life and Health: Villagers in Kazakhstan Fight Big Oil

by Leanne A. Grossman –USA– The noxious smell of rotten eggs regularly blows over the rural village of Berezovka, Kazakhstan. The fumes come directly from the Karachaganak Oil and Gas Condensate Field only five kilometers away, which emits toxic hydrogen

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Posted in Economy, FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

It’s the Profits Stupid! Exxon’s Rising Take from America: Will the Proposed Gas Tax Holiday Really Help?

by Nomi Prins – USA – How sad. Exxon Mobil, the universe’s largest publicly traded company, which also happens to be enjoying some of its biggest profits ever thanks to the almost doubled price of oil during the past year,

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Posted in Economy, FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics

Green Hawks in the Pentagon: the American Army Is on a Green Mission

by Eva Sohlman – Sweden – Former CIA director Jim Woolsey eagerly leans across the table in the swanky restaurant of the Carlton-Ritz Hotel in Washington, D.C. The seriousness of the matter he’s discussing is reflected in his sharp, almost

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Posted in Economy, FEATURE ARTICLES

“David vs Goliath” in Los Angeles: The Amazon’s Achuar Take Occidental Petroleum to Court

by Michelle Chen – USA – “Before, we could just drink straight from the river – we could drink from any stream. But it’s not like that now.” A man from Antioquía, an indigenous community nestled in the Peruvian Amazon,

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

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