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Irish People Say No to Domestic Water Charges

by Lucy Fitzgerald -Ireland- A contentious issue in Ireland is the government’s decision to introduce water charges for every household. There have been mass anti-water charge protests throughout the country organized by opposition political parties and campaign groups. Claiming that

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Posted in Economy, FEATURE ARTICLES

Restoring First Foods to the Columbia River Basin

by Michelle Tolson -USA- “I want to make money, but I have to take care of the fish,” said Yakama Nation fisherwoman Caroline Looney Hunt when asked how much salmon she sells each year. “I sell it locally to our

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Ditch Your Plastic This World Ocean’s Day!

June 8 is World Ocean’s Day! Kate Daniels Kurz, Executive Editor of The WIP, recently sat down with Sarah-Mae Nelson, Climate Change Interpretive Specialist at the Monterey Bay Aquarium.  Nelson has been plastic free for over three years.  Plastics degrade

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Water, Dignity and Sustainable Livelihoods for Women in Kenya

by Gemma Bulos –USA– “The human right to water is indispensable for leading a life in human dignity. It is a prerequisite for the realization of other human rights,” -Former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan. It is dawn in rural

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Posted in Economy, FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

Karibu Kenya: Severe Water Shortages Unnoticed in Resorts and Safaris

by Nola Solomon –USA– “Jambo! Karibu! Karibu!*” shout the villagers of Chyulu Hills as they shake our hands each day. Their enthusiasm is infectious, like the diseases that ravage them. Women wrapped in traditional sarong dresses cook the meal we

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Posted in Economy, FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

To Survive Humans Need Will to Change: Commit to Reducing Pollution and Waste this Earth Day

by Victoria Stirling –Canada– What legacy are we going to leave our descendants? Will human beings worldwide re-evaluate our actions, our politics, and our economics according to their effects on the whole network of life? Today the ethics of ecology

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Corruption Reduces the Basic Need for Water and Adequate Sanitation to an Elusive Dream for Billions

by Tess Raposas – Philippines – In coastal communities all over the Philippines, it is ironic that seawater is abundant everywhere but effectively, there’s not a drop of clean water to drink. But the problem exists throughout the country, and

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

The 11th Hour: Only Governments Can Make the Big Changes Affecting the Environment, But There Are Still Lots of Real-World Solutions for the Average Joe!

by Jessica Mosby – USA – In an admirable effort to contribute to the dialogue on what to do to save the planet, Leonardo DiCaprio has recently released a documentary film, The 11th Hour, which he produced and narrates. However,

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics, The World

Water Becomes Blue Gold in Lusaka

by Susan Mwape – Zambia – Where there is water there is life. Forty-three years after independence, Zambia still has persistent water issues. If anything, the introduction of a multi-party system has only accelerated the water problems that have been

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