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Socio-Political Realities in Iraq and the Middle East

by Miaad A. Hassan –Iraq/USA– السياسة عاهرة, a good colleague of mine says, asking me not to waste my time in politics and to return to art and poetry, the disciplines for which he knew me before. His words are

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Israel Must Move Beyond War

by Patricia DeGennaro –USA– Israel’s May 31, 2010 attack on the Freedom Flotilla in international waters garnered nothing more than global condemnation. The assault on six ships with approximately 700 activists carrying 10,000 tons of aid to the besieged Gaza

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics

Nuclear Terror: Obama’s Quiet War on Prejudice

by Paula Humphrey –USA– The Obama administration has worked furiously in the past year to leverage new strategies against two primary threats: the illicit production of nuclear weapons, and their potential use by terrorists or “rogue” states. Arriving this week

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics, The World

Violence Breeds Violence: “Afghanistan without bombs and burqas”

by Wazhmah Osman – Afghanistan/USA – Today Afghanistan finds itself in a state of collapse and at the center of a powerful network of global terrorism. Kabul is a city filled with anxiety, insecurity, instability, trauma, and uncertainty; lost souls

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics

Another 5 years of Karzai: An Afghan-American Perspective from Kabul

by Wazhmah Osman – Afghanistan/USA – I was born in Kabul, Afghanistan during the good years, in the early seventies. Among my fondest memories is walking to and from school holding the hand of my stylish mother who was then

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics

India Braces for US Pressure on Afghanistan and Kashmir

by Aditi Bhaduri – India – As US President Barack Obama commits a troops increase in Afghanistan and a recognition of the “good Taliban,” and as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton paves the way for India’s nuclear energy program, many

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics

Madcap Adventures and Serious Cultural Discussions: Where in the World is Osama Bin Laden?

by Jessica Mosby – USA – Revealing the ending of a film is downright mean, but it’s obvious that Oscar-nominated director Morgan Spurlock does not find Osama Bin Laden in his latest documentary film Where in the World is Osama

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

The Beauty Academy of Kabul

by Jessica Mosby – USA – When thinking of Afghanistan, it is difficult not to be overwhelmed by despair. Violence claimed over 6,000 lives in 2007 alone. The quality of life for women continues to decline as a result of

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A Rape Case in Saudi Arabia Explodes into International Headlines

by Patricia Meehan Vásquez Managing Editor, The WIP – USA – In 2006, what to Saudi society seemed a routine case settled in Sharia court, exploded into headlines of outrage, protest and disbelief across the globe. Qatif is a center

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics, The WIP Editorial

First Female Ministers in Bahrain and Kuwait Resign, the Victims of Dirty Politics

by Suad Hamada – Bahrain – Women’s empowerment apparently clashes with the not-so-hidden agendas of Kuwaiti and Bahraini parliamentarians. Dirty politics have resulted in the recent resignation of the first two female ministers ever to join the cabinets in either

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