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Beyond ISIS

The ongoing violence across the Middle East and the threat posed by the religious ideology represented by Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) should come as no surprise. The precursors to this aggressive unrest were weak, corrupt Arab governments

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Posted in The WIP Talk

Back to the War Zone of Iraq

by Miaad A. Hassan –Iraq– Over the past five years I have made several trips to Iraq, the country where I was born and the country I left in 2005. Although each trip carries its own memory of places, people,

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

Socio-Political Realities in Iraq and the Middle East

by Miaad A. Hassan –Iraq/USA– السياسة عاهرة, a good colleague of mine says, asking me not to waste my time in politics and to return to art and poetry, the disciplines for which he knew me before. His words are

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics

“Support Our Troops” Is a Fallacy and a Lie

Katharine Daniels Executive Editor, The WIP – USA – On the 29th of June The WIP posted a link to Anti-Americanism Hits New Record in Turkey from Today’s Zaman, an online Turkish newspaper. Apparently Turks now dislike the United States

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics, The WIP Editorial

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