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“Informal Settlement” Status Discriminates Against Residents in Africa’s Largest Slum

by Liz McGinn –UK– Every year the BBC runs a huge televised fundraising event called Comic Relief. Its aim is to raise as much money as possible for worthwhile causes in the UK and Africa. The fundraising, undertaken by both

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

Floods, Drought, and Displacement Hit Pakistan’s Women Hardest

by Sarah Irving –UK– The monsoon floods in Pakistan have killed thousands and affected an estimated twenty million people across several provinces. According to development organizations working in the country, the humanitarian crisis is yet another blow for Pakistan’s rural

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

Vanishing City: Post-Katrina Redevelopment Excludes “poor and working-class”

by Michelle Chen – USA – Feb. 5th – Today marks Fat Tuesday in New Orleans and the most celebrated day of Mardi Gras festivities. As thousands of visitors flock to the city to celebrate, thousands more have yet to

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Posted in Economy, FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics

From Homeless Advocates to Nearly Homeless: How LA County Mental Health may be contributing to the homeless population it struggles to serve

by Sarah McGowan Features & Photo Editor, The WIP – USA – Denise and Esteban, both in their early 50’s, moved into my apartment building eight months ago. Our first encounter occurred in the hallway while I precariously lumbered up

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The WIP Editorial, The World

Poor City Planning Worries Youths in Lusaka

by Susan Mwape Zambia Since last month, the Lusaka City Council (LCC) has been demolishing illegal settlements in the City of Lusaka. The City Council has earmarked even more area to be razed despite the pleas by the residents to

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics

Lusaka House Demolitions Spell Doom for Poor Families

by Glory Mushinge – Zambia – In a developing country like Zambia, one million and five hundred Zambian Kwachas, or roughly three hundred and fifty dollars, is enough to feed a family for 350 days. So, when Liness Mwale, a

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Posted in Economy, FEATURE ARTICLES

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