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Poor Romas Sell Human Organs on the Black Market: Trading Kidneys for Firewood

by Natasha Dokovska – Macedonia – “I have seven children, I don’t work, neither does my wife. For many years I thought about selling my kidney so I could give my children a better life, but just recently I found

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Posted in Economy, FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

To Die with Dignity

by Victoria Stirling – Canada – “It’s not the fact that one day I will die,” Joan said, ” The problem I have is wondering just how it’s going to happen!” En-masse, the 1978 class of nursing students to which

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

Women in the Philippines Demand a Solution: Lack of Clean Water and Sanitation Facilities Threatens Their Children and Their Lives

by Imelda V. Abaño – Philippines – For Edna Dela Cruz, water is life, but it’s also backbreaking work. As a young child, she trudged barefoot for hours in the hot sun over rough hilly terrain in search of water.

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

Medical Community in Uganda Unites in Support of Pesticide Use to Eradicate Malaria – Environmentalists Still Protest

by Halimah Abdallah Kisule – Uganda – The numbers are staggering. Dr Myers Lugemwa, officer in charge of malaria research at the Ministry of Health’s Department of Malaria Control Program says, “Malaria is the greatest killer in this country: 320

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Healing Hands for the Forgotten War in Bosnia: Volunteer Therapists Treat the Scars of War One Person at a Time

by D-L Nelson – France – Old wars are usually forgotten as soon as new wars make headlines. The war fought in Bosnia between March 1992 and November 1995 is such a war. In a conflict whose politics were as

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

Hymen Repair Surgery in Macedonia: A Virgin Again for 400 Euros

by Natasha Dokovska – Macedonia – In the past, if a woman wasn’t a virgin, she would surreptitiously pour animal blood on the bed after consummating her marriage. Today, this tradition has been replaced in Macedonia with a more sophisticated

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Our Bodies, Our Cells: An Interview with Dr. Joyce Whiteley Hawkes “…a rare combination of rational scientist and enlightened healer”

by Hayward Hawks Marcus – USA – Ten thousand could dance on the head of a pin – if they could dance. Invisible to the human naked eye, they are with us from conception, doing their best to protect us

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Medicine Tops Science in Mumbai

By Lara Vogel USA Though meant as a break from the hectic pace of my eight-month trip around the world, it had been an intense few weeks. Leaving Europe and Northern Africa behind, I spent July in Mumbai exploring its

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