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Syrian Mothers on Their Own: “We Are All the Same, Confronting Death and Our Destiny”

by Riham Alkousaa –Germany– Fadia Al-Khatib, a mother of five, came to Germany by herself. The 44-year-old Syrian woman and her husband decided that she would seek asylum first and then apply to bring her family over. Hundreds of Syrian

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics, The World

German Anti-nuclear Tradition Predates Fukushima

by Rose-Anne Clermont –Germany– A version of the following article was originally published April 8, 2011. Last month, German parliament approved plans to shut down the nation’s nuclear plants by 2022, becoming the first industrialized nation to abandon atomic energy.

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Germany’s Environmental Conscience Reacts to Japanese Nuclear Crisis

by Rose-Anne Clermont –Germany– “Offshore drilling and nuclear power plants,” I wrote on my Facebook status. “Too much faith in technology or disregard for future generations?” This was the day after the first hydrogen explosion at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

Art Imitating Life: Berlin Through the Eyes of Käthe Kollwitz

by Brittany Shoot – Denmark – This year marks the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Celebrations for the historic occasion have been planned for months, and next week, Angela Merkel – Germany’s first and now second-term

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Much Ado about Everything: Berlin’s 58th International Film Festival

by Vera von Kreutzbruck – Germany – This year’s 58th International Film Festival in Berlin is offering a heterogeneous mix of topics and genres with many documentaries, a lot of pathos, a few lost souls, war and violence, politics as

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A Current between Shores: Leaving Home

by Rose-Anne Clermont – Germany – They leave holding only their children’s small hands in their own. A crumpled photo of a relative might find its place among their few possessions. Most often it is nothing more than a prospect—of

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

A Current between Shores: On Education

by Rose-Anne Clermont – Germany – Before we had our own children, my husband and I began sponsoring a child in Senegal named Absa, a pretty little girl with clever eyes. We received several letters and pictures of Absa, always

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Posted in Education, FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

A Current between Shores: Dictatorship & Democracy

by Rose-Anne Clermont – Germany – January 30th marks the 75th “anniversary” of Hitler’s rise to power. Today, appropriately, we begin a nine-part series by Rose-Anne Clermont conceived as “Parallel Histories from Different Worlds.” The series begins with the early

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

In Germany, a Rash of Mothers Killing Their Children Has Shocked the Nation

by Rose-Anne Clermont – Germany – When we think of children killed by their parents, we may recall a news documentary about a poor Indian family with an unwanted girl. Or, the media has helped us conjure the image of

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Personal Data Is Now on the Record in Germany

by Rose-Anne Clermont – Germany – BERLIN – Seventy years ago, every kernel of a German’s identity was accessible by the government; financial statements, personal correspondence, family and religious information remained unprotected and defenseless. Private was what could be hidden

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics

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