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Breaking the Cycle of Poverty, Illiteracy, and Discrimination in India

by Lesley D. Biswas –India– Poverty, illiteracy and gender disparity are engrained in the Indian society. Key indicators of social development such as health and education are below average. The World Bank estimates India is home to 456 million people

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Posted in Education, FEATURE ARTICLES

On the 90th Anniversary of Women’s Suffrage Women Call for Obama to Act

By Linda Tarr-Whelan and Jacki Zehner –USA– In 1971 the U.S. Congress designated August 26 as “Women’s Equality Day” to commemorate the passage of the 19th Amendment and to call attention to women’s continuing efforts toward full equality. The following

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Posted in Economy, FEATURE ARTICLES

When Did You Know You Were A Feminist?

by Anna Clark -USA- I was the only woman who worked on a ropes course during the summer I spent employed at a girls’ camp in Pennsylvania. Officially, my job was to strap kids into climbing harnesses and belay them

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Parvati’s Burden: Scratching the Surface of Motherhood in India

by Mandy Van Deven – India – Unlike the abundance of exploration into the many dilemmas of motherhood by feminists in the West, in India the subject is so under-examined that it might as well not even exist. In fact,

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It Takes a Real Man to Talk to Boys: John Stoltenberg Offers an Alternative Vision of Male Strength

by Ellen Snortland – USA – Let me introduce you to my friend John Stoltenberg, a warm and generous American man full of good will and humor, who is also one of the United States’ leading male feminists, widely respected

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Posted in Education, FEATURE ARTICLES

Filmmaker Wendy Slick Shows That “repressing women’s sexual being is a political issue”

by Jessica Mosby – USA – Including the word “orgasm” in the title of your documentary film is a bold move. After seeing the film Passion and Power: Technology of Orgasm at the Mill Valley Film Festival, I wanted to

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Daughters of Wisdom: Tibetan Nuns Inspiring a Feminist Movement Through Their Isolated Monastic Life

by Jessica Mosby – USA – “Free Tibet” has become part of our lexicon due to countless bumper stickers adorning Volvos and fundraisers featuring Richard Gere. Despite the feminist persuasion of many Tibetan supporters, women in Tibet, particularly nuns, are

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Costa Rica’s Peaceful Environment Has Not Occurred by Chance

by María Suárez Toro – Costa Rica/Puerto Rico – Millions of tourists have visited Costa Rica, affectionately know as “ticolandia,” for decades, attracted to it largely because its protection of both its lush forest and coastal areas means it offers

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics

Europe’s Muslim Feminism Renewal—Part III

by Karine Ancellin Saleck – Belgium – Part III of III European mainstream society has been totally deaf to the claims of its Muslims believers. Muslim feminists bring to life the humanist aspect of the faith (or culture) together, giving

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

Europe’s Muslim Feminism Renewal—Part II

by Karine Ancellin Saleck – Belgium – Part II of III The Islamic Feminist Trend Women are no longer prepared to offer total submission to paternalistic and colonial models. When scrutinizing the Western women’s liberation model, Asma Lamrabet speaks of

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

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