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From Protective Shields to Leaders: Kyrgyzstani Women Claim First Female Presidency

by Anna Kirey – Kyrgyzstan– The small, mountainous, post-Soviet republic of Kyrgyzstan rarely makes international news. When it does, the headlines are either related to the presence of US and Russian military bases or protests against the government. Years of

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics

Art Imitating Life: Berlin Through the Eyes of Käthe Kollwitz

by Brittany Shoot – Denmark – This year marks the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Celebrations for the historic occasion have been planned for months, and next week, Angela Merkel – Germany’s first and now second-term

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Workplace ”Mobbing”: EU Integration Pushes Macedonian Labor Law to the Surface

by Natasha Dokovska – Macedonia – “I have 15 years seniority over the human resources officer and the highest level of education. Eight years ago, I was the head of the department, but in the last two years I have

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics

Interview with Polish Director Andrzej Wajda: An Elegy for Poland’s Painful Past

by Vera von Kreutzbruck – Germany – Andrzej Wajda was 13 years old when World War II broke out. Together with his mother he lived most of his life in the vain hope that his father might have survived the

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics, The World

Nicolas Sarkozy: the President’s Personal Life Puts Hope of Legacy at Risk

by Bia Assevero – USA – It didn’t take a genius to predict that Nicolas Sarkozy was going to be a president, the likes of which France had never seen before. But no one, not even Nostradamus, could have predicted

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Much Ado about Everything: Berlin’s 58th International Film Festival

by Vera von Kreutzbruck – Germany – This year’s 58th International Film Festival in Berlin is offering a heterogeneous mix of topics and genres with many documentaries, a lot of pathos, a few lost souls, war and violence, politics as

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Personal Data Is Now on the Record in Germany

by Rose-Anne Clermont – Germany – BERLIN – Seventy years ago, every kernel of a German’s identity was accessible by the government; financial statements, personal correspondence, family and religious information remained unprotected and defenseless. Private was what could be hidden

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics

President Sarkozy and France’s Right Snub the Opening of New National Museum of the History of Immigration

by Aralena Malone-Leroy – France – When in 2002 President Jacques Chirac resuscitated a proposal for the creation of a museum of immigration, he was honoring an unpopular dream that had been in gestation for nearly 15 years. First proposed

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics

Macedonian Government Systematically Attacks the Media: Albanian MPs Attack Each Other While Police Beat and Arrest TV Crews

by Natasha Dokovska – Macedonia – A scandal recently occurred at the Macedonian Parliament on September 28th, when the Albanian members of parliament physically attacked each other. Even worse, the fight escalated into a bigger brawl between the police (who

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics

From Hamburg to the World: Over 5 Million European Emigrés from The “Port of Dreams” Are Documented by New Museum

Vera von Kreutzbruck – Germany – Nowadays the city of Hamburg in northern Germany is well-known for its monumental port, where thousands of containers depart every day from its docks to destinations around the globe. But not so long ago,

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