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One Woman’s Quest to End Violence and Empower Youth in Chicago’s Roseland

by Diane Latiker –USA– After eight children, 13 grandchildren, and two husbands, I was blessed with a passion that fills my soul. My mom raised me to be independent, married or not. She taught me to always stand for something

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Posted in Economy, FEATURE ARTICLES

How to Survive a Plague – A Model for Human Rights Social Activism.

by Alexandra Marie Daniels Arts, Culture & Media Editor Although it feels like it is a film from the 1990’s recently stumbled upon and re-discovered high up on a shelf in a dusty box, How to Survive a Plague directed

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The Body Worlds Exhibition: Macabre Freak Circus or Exploration of the Human Anatomy?

by Caroline Achieng Otieno -Netherlands- Within my community as in many African communities, death is seen as a great and irredeemable tragedy even when it occurs in old age. The reverence with which the Luo people view their ancestors is

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India Surges Towards An Education Democracy

by Priyanka Bhardwaj –India– Every afternoon 8-year-old Raj Kumar and his younger sibling trudge along the ten kilometer expanse of Golf Course Road to take free classes at a school ensconced in a posh pocket of Gurgaon in the Indian

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Posted in Economy, Education, FEATURE ARTICLES

Empowering Pakistani Women through Education and Family Planning

by Zubeida Mustafa -Pakistan- Empowerment is opening up new spaces for personal development for women in Pakistan. As opportunities for education come within their reach women are learning how to upgrade their lives. This has brought the realization that a

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Posted in Education, FEATURE ARTICLES

A Moral Argument for Bullfighting: More Humane than Eating Meat

by Victoria Aitken –UK– The social networking world is an odd one – you see your friends less, but know more about them – and real catching up has been replaced with the dubious substitute of half a dozen status

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Juvenile (In)Justice in Kashmir

by Nusrat Ara –Indian administered Kashmir– My heart sinks as I look at the collage, carried by almost all the local newspapers, of children standing before judges in the local court. Looking forlorn and lost, the children are handcuffed and

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics

Life-Skills Training to Break the Cycle of Violence in Mongolia

by Michelle Tolson –Mongolia– One night while relaxing at home after a long day of horseback riding, I heard a loud banging on a door downstairs. It was a man adamant to be let in. He was probably drunk. This

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Posted in Education, FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

Green Scarves for Solidarity with Afghan Women

by Kate Hughes –UK– Ten years ago, Afghan women were promised a bright future. After decades of civil war, and repressive Taliban rule, they entered a new era in which they were once again able to work, send their daughters

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics, The World

Women Leaders: Africa’s Available Yet Underutilized Resource

by Susan Enuogbope Majekodunmi –USA– My maternal grandfather’s mantra was, “Educate a woman, and you feed and educate her family.” He educated his daughters when Nigerian fathers rarely did. My grandfather was also very interested in my education and often

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Posted in Education, FEATURE ARTICLES

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