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Philippine Historical Amnesia: Reflections on Marcos’ Authoritarian Rule

by Tess Bacalla –Philippines– Thirty-nine years ago this month, the Philippines found itself plunged into darkness when then-President Ferdinand Marcos declared martial law. Ostensibly to modernize the country and prevent a communist takeover, the multi-headed hydra that was the brutal

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics

Society of the Incarcerated: Acknowledging the Voices of America’s Ever-Increasing Prison Population

by Anna Clark – USA – Who talks about prisoners these days? Certainly not the US presidential candidates or most others up for election in 2008, unless it’s in tangential “get tough on crime” rhetoric. In the media, quality coverage

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Posted in Education, FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics, The World

And Justice for All: We Must Reverse Our Zeal to Incarcerate

by Nomi Prins – USA – The movie, Atonement, is a heart-breaking love-story, a historical WWII saga. Without giving away the ending, which must be seen to be adequately felt, it tells the tale of two lovers’ lives irrevocably changed

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics

A Rape Case in Saudi Arabia Explodes into International Headlines

by Patricia Meehan Vásquez Managing Editor, The WIP – USA – In 2006, what to Saudi society seemed a routine case settled in Sharia court, exploded into headlines of outrage, protest and disbelief across the globe. Qatif is a center

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics, The WIP Editorial

Corruption Reduces the Basic Need for Water and Adequate Sanitation to an Elusive Dream for Billions

by Tess Raposas – Philippines – In coastal communities all over the Philippines, it is ironic that seawater is abundant everywhere but effectively, there’s not a drop of clean water to drink. But the problem exists throughout the country, and

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

The Jena Six: “Southern Trees Bear Strange Fruit”

by Kelly Vásquez – USA – I have always been deeply affected and influenced by music. Depending on my mood, I happily switch between drastically varying genres, but from age six when I first heard Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics

Family Law with Justice for All: A Dream Yet to Become a Reality

by Suad Hamada – Bahrain – Bahraini women facing divorce, child custody or alimony disputes walk with heavy hearts and slow steps into Shariah Courts, fearing humiliation and injustice from judges in the only court system that rules over these

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At last, Dr. Haleh Esfandiari Has Been Released on Bail from Evin Prison – For Now

by Patricia Vásquez Managing Editor, The WIP – USA – A week ago, on August 15th, the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington, DC, for which Dr. Haleh Esfandiari is the Director of The Middle East Program, was announcing the 100th

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Cool, Carefully Considered, Methodical, Prolonged: Terror, Torture And Deceit in The USA

by Patricia Vásquez and Katharine Daniels – The WIP – On August 7, 2007, The WIP, in its Byline Portal, linked to an outstanding and shocking article, “The Black Sites: A rare look inside the C.I.A.’s secret interrogation program” by

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics, The WIP Editorial

Systematic Abuses of Women and Children in Zimbabwe’s Women’s Prison Stirs Up a Hornet’s Nest

by Constance Manika – Zimbabwe – In 2003, gender activists from the Zimbabwe Women Writers group published a book entitled A Tragedy of Lives: Women in Prison in Zimbabwe. It revealed shocking human rights abuses in the country’s prison system.

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics

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