Blog Archives

“No Justice? No Peace!” The Women Absent from Colombia’s Peace Talks

by Moira Birss –Colombia– “No Justice? No Peace!” Never has this chant, which I have heard so often at anti-war rallies, felt so real to me as during the last few months observing the ongoing peace negotiations between the Colombian

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

Breaking Social Boundaries: Innovative Transport for the Poor in Colombia

by Jemma Williams –Australia– The gondola glides smoothly up into the Andean hills on the outskirts of Medellín, Colombia, as I peer through its clean glass windows in fascination at the world below. Slums sprawl over rugged green hills, with

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Posted in Economy, FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

Afro-Colombians Defend ‘Life and Land’ in Northwest Humanitarian Zones

by Moira Birss –USA/Colombia– The first thing I notice after disembarking from the canoe that carries me across the Curvaradó River are palm oil trees. Their rows of short, stout trunks topped by long green fronds, stretch as far as

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

Resisting Violence through Sustainable Agriculture in Colombia

by Moira Birss –USA/Colombia– In the middle of one of the most fertile regions in Colombia, amidst a five-decade armed conflict, a small peasant community manages to serve as a model of civilian resistance against violence and displacement. But as

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

Fundamental Change in Colombia Unlikely with President-elect Santos

by Moira Birss –Colombia/USA– Fulfilling expectations after a solid showing in May’s first round, former Defense Minister Juan Manuel Santos handily won Colombia’s June 20th presidential run-off election. Though Santos and his contender, Antanas Mockus, the former mayor of the

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics, Special Election Coverage

Colombia’s Government Wants a Country of Snitches

by Moira Birss – Colombia – The other day I was translating at a meeting between a U.S-based NGO director and a Colombian human rights lawyer. The NGO director remarked how the situation in Colombia reminded him of the story

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics

Defending Human Rights in Colombia is a Deadly Job

by Moira Birss – Colombia – “I would be lying if I said I wasn’t afraid,” Jorge tells me. “Your right to freedom disappears – you have to limit your movements and activities.” I would be afraid, too; Jorge and

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics

Colombia’s War: “He’s giving our country away”

by Moira Birss – Colombia – The sparse media coverage of Colombia tends only to give vague descriptions of a violent country with a thriving drug trade. But I’ve come to understand in my 15 months living and working here

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics

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