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Kenya’s Kazuri Bead Factory Allows Women from Kibera Slum to Build New Lives

by Sarah Wyatt – USA – Years of hardship and backbreaking labor in the riot-stricken slums of Kibera in south Kenya have worn 18 year old Eshe Koome to the bone. A single mother of two, she walked out on

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Posted in Economy, Education, FEATURE ARTICLES

No Election Results But a Recount Begins: Mugabe Uses Violence to Reverse the People’s Will as MDC Calls for a Work Boycott

by Constance Manika – Zimbabwe – “The moment the people stop supporting you, that’s the moment you should quit politics.” These were the seemingly reasonable and even wise words President Robert Mugabe used in the Highfield suburb of Harare, Zimbabwe’s

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics

The Greatest Silence: Rape in the Congo

by Jessica Mosby – USA – “Rape has always been used as a weapon of war” is the opening line of the new documentary film The Greatest Silence: Rape in the Congo. For 76 minutes the film exposes the incredibly

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics

Ruling ZANU PF Loses Majority to the Opposition in Zimbabwe & Seeks Election Runoff to Save Face

by Constance Manika – Zimbabwe – On Saturday, March 29th, I was one of the millions of Zimbabweans who went to the polls to choose a new president. I cast my vote to choose both a lower and upper house

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics

Election Fever Grips Zimbabweans as Prospects for Change Are Near

by Constance Manika – Zimbabwe – Tinashe Choruma and his wife Irene live in the suburb of Epworth here in the capital, Harare, where many of city’s poor reside. The housing is poorly constructed – some homes are made from

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“South Africa Treats Zimbabwean Refugees Like Criminals”

by Grace Kwinjeh – South Africa – Last week Zimbabwe’s civil society and opposition held a commemorative vigil marking the anniversary of the gruesome torture of opposition leaders (myself included) at the hands of the Mugabe government. The world watched

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics

Kenya Is Burning: Women’s Voices Are Missing in the Making of the Nation

by Philo Ikonya – Kenya – The women of Kenya have always been aware of injustice in our society, all through the years. And they have fought for justice: in 1922 Mary Nyanjiru faced the colonialist’s gun fearlessly after stating

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A Letter to Njeri – a Kenyan Sister Who Received Death Threats After the Elections

by Philo Ikonya – Kenya – Dear Njeri, Tonight, I am unable to sleep. You see, my country – our country – is on fire. It is almost the end of February: is it the end of Kenya as we

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Divided Opposition: Huge Betrayal for Activists Who Have Suffered for Change

by Constance Manika – Zimbabwe – On March 11th, 2007, 64 year old Sekai Holland woke up unusually early. She was restless and anxious because of the scheduled protests that her party was going to go ahead with against the

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Kenya: Name the Violence Correctly

by Shailja Patel – Kenya – A February 7th article in The Economist, “Ethnic Cleansing in Luoland,” dangerously presents the crisis in Kenya as an issue of inter-communal violence. It focuses on the violent attacks on Kikuyu Kenyans in Western

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