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Random Acts of Love

Valentine’s Day is an over-commercialized, sickly-sweet holiday filled with sappy love notes, flowers, and enough candy to rot your teeth. It’s the one day of the year specifically devoted to love. One day out of 365 days. For many, it’s

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The Prince Charming Delusion

So much of our time as women revolves around dating and relationships, regardless of whether we are pursuant or involved. We put forth our most polished selves to tease and appease, ever seeking the perfect balance between demure and coquettish.

Posted in The WIP Talk

Ascending into the Stratosphere

There’s something unequivocally liberating about living by the sea. The landlocked blues cannot subdue me here. The atmosphere somehow relaxes the clocks and the schedules that presume to restrict my days. When I’m feeling uninspired or confined, all it takes

Posted in The WIP Talk

Yes We Did

In the 2012 election, President Obama was victorious against an adversary who would have incited a decline in our civil rights progress as Americans. Let President Obama’s reelection be another round of hope for LGBT, immigrant, and women’s rights. Kudos

Posted in The WIP Talk

The Potential of the Human Spirit

Lately, in the midst of events at which people have come together to share their stories and to inspire others to advocate and facilitate social change (e.g., Bonfire Heights; Justice Lost: Personal Stories of Systematic Injustice), my heart has been

Posted in The WIP Talk

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