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Marriage & Domestic Violence: A Fatal Combination in the Philippines, Yet Divorce Is Illegal

by Tess Raposas – Philippines – Maria was 16 when she first came to visit the Philippines from California and decided to remain here. Witty and talented, she became a popular movie icon. Then barely in her twenties, she plunged

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

Corruption Reduces the Basic Need for Water and Adequate Sanitation to an Elusive Dream for Billions

by Tess Raposas – Philippines – In coastal communities all over the Philippines, it is ironic that seawater is abundant everywhere but effectively, there’s not a drop of clean water to drink. But the problem exists throughout the country, and

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

Philippine Fertility Rate Is One of the Highest in Asia: Santa Clara, Segundina and Other Stories

by Tess Raposas – Philippines – In this predominantly Catholic country, people often pray for divine intervention from Santa Clara (Saint Claire), the patron saint of the childless, for one very specific purpose: to aid fertility and bless them with

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

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