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First Female Ministers in Bahrain and Kuwait Resign, the Victims of Dirty Politics

by Suad Hamada – Bahrain – Women’s empowerment apparently clashes with the not-so-hidden agendas of Kuwaiti and Bahraini parliamentarians. Dirty politics have resulted in the recent resignation of the first two female ministers ever to join the cabinets in either

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics

Family Law with Justice for All: A Dream Yet to Become a Reality

by Suad Hamada – Bahrain – Bahraini women facing divorce, child custody or alimony disputes walk with heavy hearts and slow steps into Shariah Courts, fearing humiliation and injustice from judges in the only court system that rules over these

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

Hopes for the Closing of Guantanamo Bay’s Military Prison

by Suad Hamada Bahrain Of the many expectations that Arabs hope will come out of the US Presidential election, the top three almost certainly are: massive changes in American foreign policies in the Middle East; withdrawal of US troops in

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics, Special Election Coverage

Children Suffer in Silence – Living with AIDS in Bahrain

By Suad Hamada – Bahrain – A young girl has faced the threat of being expelled from her primary school only because her mother is infected with AIDS. This secret was neither known to the girl nor the school, but

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Posted in Education, FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

Fate of Working Women Uncertain with the FTA

by Suad Hamada – Bahrain – Working women in Bahrain are facing many challenges and female activists predict they will encounter even more hardships after the full implementation of the newly ratified Free Trade Agreement between Bahrain and the United

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Posted in Economy, FEATURE ARTICLES

Religious Authorities in Dubai Authorize New Means of Divorce

by Suad Hamada – Bahrain – What could be more demeaning to women than allowing men to divorce their spouses by sending text messages from their mobile phones? If such a move materializes, Muslim men could benefit more from modern

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Women Come as Second or Third Priority

by Suad Hamada Bahrain Women come as second or third priority to the Parliament in Bahrain as MPs consider them to be weak voters. This is the case even though 148,000 women participated in the parliamentary and municipal election in

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics

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