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Dozens Killed In Nigerian Election Violence As Polling Continues

Boko Haram extremists are being blamed for more than 40 deaths, including one lawmaker, as balloting continues in a closely-fought presidential elections.

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Ashraf Ghani: U.S. Critical To Afghanistan’s Future

In an interview with NPR’s Morning Edition, the Afghan president says most of his country wants U.S. troops to remain. He also says he’s determined to make sure ISIS doesn’t gain a foothold.

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More Than 100 Killed In Mosque Attacks In Yemen

Suicide bombers strike at two Shiite mosques said to be frequented by supporters of the country’s Houthi rebel movement.

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Avalanches Kill Nearly 250 In Afghanistan

The latest avalanches, in the Panjshir Valley north of the capital, Kabul, have cut off villages in the area for almost a week.

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Suspect In Foiled Canadian Mall Shooting Left Social Media Trail

The young man who apparently killed himself as police closed in on him was said to have identified with the 1999 Columbine High School shooters.

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Yemeni Rebels Call For Mass Rallies After President Steps Down

The Houthis, who control the capital, Sanaa, are apparently hoping to exploit a power vacuum left by the resignation of President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi and his government.

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France Observes Moment Of Silence For ‘Charlie Hebdo’ Victims

Many in France marked the deadly assault yesterday on the offices of a satirical magazine by observing a minute of silence for the journalists and police killed by suspected Islamist extremists.

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Hundreds Of Syrian Migrants Abandoned On Ship Off Italy

The vessel, carrying about 450 people trying to reach Europe, has been taken under tow after smugglers jumped ship.

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Ukrainian Peace Talks Put On Hold

The talks that began on Wednesday were expected to be continued today in Minsk. Belarus, which is hosting the dialogue, declined to comment on the reason.

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Putin: Sanctions, Falling Oil Prices Causing Ruble’s Tumble

In a year-end news conference, the Russian President said the worst-case scenario for his country’s economy would involve two more years of unease.

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