Blog Archives

Africa Steps Up the Fight Against Maternal and Child Deaths

by Pilirani Semu-Banda – Malawi – The very survival of women and children in Africa may depend on the newly-launched Campaign on Accelerated Reduction of Maternal Mortality in Africa (CARMMA). According to latest estimates by the African Union (AU), over

Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

Saving Sex Workers in Malawi

by Pilirani Semu-Banda – Malawi – Twenty-seven year-old Lima Wochi from Malawi’s capital, Lilongwe, looks dejected. She ventured into prostitution at the tender age of 12. She says she is tired of sex work and is looking for a way

Posted in Economy, FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

Malawi Women Push for Parliamentary Positions with the Help of the 50:50 Program

by Pilirani Semu-Banda – Malawi – No political meeting happens in Malawi without song and dance. Clad in colorful political party regalia, women and girls are the traditional singers and dancers for the country’s political parties. They sing adoring songs

Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics, The World

Witchcraft and Mob Justice in Malawi

by Pilirani Semu-Banda – Malawi – Sixty-three year old Gladys Kasito, in Malawi’s capital city, Lilongwe, only has one wish – to die peacefully, preferably in her sleep. Kasito says she feels trapped and threatened in her own country. Her

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics, The World

Obstetric Fistula: A Medical Nightmare for Malawian Women

by Pilirani Semu-Banda – Malawi – May 23, 2015 is International Day to End Fistula. To mark the day, The WIP is re-posting one of our original articles from 2007 by Pilirani Semu-Banda which highlights this treatable and preventable condition

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Over One Million of Malawi’s Children Are Child Laborers

by Pilirani Semu-Banda – Malawi – As one of the major tobacco exporters in the world, Malawi derives up to 70 percent of its foreign exchange earnings from tobacco, accounting for five percent of the world’s total exports and two

Posted in Economy, FEATURE ARTICLES

The Cost of the US Elections on Africa

by Pilirani Semu-Banda Malawi When Americans go to the polls next year, Africa will be very far from the minds of most voters; after all, US elections are not won or lost on African issues. However, the economic and social

Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Special Election Coverage

Even As Traditional Art in Malawi Begins to Prosper, Its Future Is Threatened

by Pilirani Semu-Banda – Malawi – Over 65 percent of Malawi’s 12 million people live below the poverty line of less than $1 a day, while an additional 22 percent are categorized as “ultra-poor.” The average annual income of Malawi

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Posted in Economy, FEATURE ARTICLES

Modern Day Slavery in Malawi Persists in the Name of Culture

by Pilirani Semu-Banda – Malawi – In Nkombanyama, a village in Malawi’s northern district of Chitipa, a 14-year-old girl was saved by a traditional chief as she was about to be married off to a successful farmer. Sadly, her father

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

Malawi Orphans Look Out for Themselves

by Pilirani Semu-Banda – Malawi – The on-going adoption process of a one-year old Malawian orphan, David Banda, by Pop Star Madonna has highlighted the plight of orphans in Malawi. A million children are orphaned in Malawi, of which half

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Posted in Education, FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

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