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Russia’s Immigrants Facing Crackdowns and Xenophobia

Immigrants in Russia could face a wave of violence following thousands of arrests in a crackdown on illegal immigration which has been condemned not only for human rights breaches but for entrenching a virulent negative public perception of migrants. More than 7,000 people were arrested across Moscow – and more than 800 already served with […]

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New Anti-Discrimination Law Could Worsen Situation for Georgia’s LGBT Community

Georgia’s LGBT community is sceptical that recently-introduced anti-discrimination legislation hailed by some rights groups as a bold step forward for the former Soviet state will improve their lives any time soon. The law, which came into effect in May this year, is ostensibly designed to provide protection for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people […]

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Russian Repression Sweeps Crimea

Crimea is facing a violent wave of human rights abuses, activists warn, with kidnappings of journalists and rights campaigners, harassment of non-Russian minorities and reports of growing persecution of anyone thought to be sympathising with the pro-European Kiev government. They say the autonomous region, now in de facto control of Russian troops, is spiralling into […]

The post Russian Repression Sweeps Crimea appeared first on Inter Press Service.

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Crimea Faces a ‘Frozen Conflict’

Crimea could remain under Russian control indefinitely as the current crisis – described by some politicians as Europe’s gravest since the end of the Cold War – threatens to turn into a “frozen conflict”, experts say. The Ukrainian peninsula is now under de facto Russian military control with Ukrainian military bases surrounded, and control of […]

The post Crimea Faces a ‘Frozen Conflict’ appeared first on Inter Press Service.

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After Sochi, the Hounding Game

Fears are growing in Russia that the Kremlin is preparing a crackdown on rights activists following the end of the Sochi Winter Olympics. Activists warn that even under the glare of the world’s media, Russian authorities have shown they are happy to go on committing human rights abuses and muzzle any form of protest and, […]

The post After Sochi, the Hounding Game appeared first on Inter Press Service.

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‘No Way Back’ for Kiev Protesters

Bloody clashes that have left more than a score dead and more than a 1,000 injured in the Ukrainian capital could continue for weeks. Local people say there is now “no way back” for either side in what has become the worst crisis in the country’s post-Soviet history. Protests began in Kiev at the end […]

The post ‘No Way Back’ for Kiev Protesters appeared first on Inter Press Service.

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