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A Rape Case in Saudi Arabia Explodes into International Headlines

by Patricia Meehan Vásquez Managing Editor, The WIP – USA – In 2006, what to Saudi society seemed a routine case settled in Sharia court, exploded into headlines of outrage, protest and disbelief across the globe. Qatif is a center

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The State of Today’s World: Lives of Unspeakable Pain and Loss Create Heroes Every Day

by Patricia Vásquez Managing Editor, The WIP – USA – Think about it. The headlines scream it out. Lives of unspeakable pain and loss. And usually it is women, the caretakers of children and a vulnerable population by themselves, bear

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The WIP Editorial, The World

At last, Dr. Haleh Esfandiari Has Been Released on Bail from Evin Prison – For Now

by Patricia Vásquez Managing Editor, The WIP – USA – A week ago, on August 15th, the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington, DC, for which Dr. Haleh Esfandiari is the Director of The Middle East Program, was announcing the 100th

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What Landed Haleh Esfandiari in Jail, and Why Did Iranian TV Think The World Would Believe Her “Confession”?

by Patricia Vásquez Managing Editor, The WIP – USA – In the last three days, media sources worldwide, from the BBC and CNN to the Washington Post, the New York Times, and the media arm of the Woodrow Wilson International

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Who Is Haleh Esfandiari? Why Is Iran Claiming She’s a Spy? – US-Iran Politics, Not Esfandiari, Have Incited Iran’s Crackdown

by Patricia Vásquez Managing Editor, The WIP USA An incredible story broke worldwide on Tuesday, July 17, 2007: • Haleh Esfandiari. Photograph courtesy of the WWICS • On Monday, Iranian state-run television played video clips of a tired, exhausted looking

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