Blog Archives

As ISIS Expands Its Control, U.S. Policy Is Questioned

The so-called Islamic State captured two strategic cities recently: Ramadi, Iraq, and Palmyra, Syria. NPR’s Rachel Martin speaks to Vali Nasr of Johns Hopkins about the U.S. strategy toward ISIS.

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U.S. And Saudis Place Sanctions On Pakistani Charity

The U.S. and Saudi Arabia are imposing sanctions on a Pakistan-based charity thought to be funneling money to terror groups. NPR’s Rachel Martin speaks with Daniel Glaser at the Treasury Department.

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With Paul, Cruz and Clinton On The Verge, 2016 Election Takes Shape

Sens. Rand Paul and Ted Cruz have announced they’ll run for president, and Hillary Clinton is expected to announce on Sunday. Correspondents Mara Liasson and Don Gonyea join NPR’s Tamara Keith.

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Video Made The Internet Star: YouTube Turns 10

YouTube was registered as a domain name 10 years ago today, and yes, it’s gone viral. NPR’s Scott Simon looks back on a decade’s worth of cat videos, politics, self-help and everything in between.

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For U.S. And Cuba, A Slow Walk To Re-Establishing Ties

American and Cuban diplomats sat face-to-face in Havana this week for historic talks. NPR’s Arun Rath talks with correspondent Carrie Kahn about the U.S. and Cuba re-establishing diplomatic ties.

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In Nigeria, Boko Haram Continues Its Campaign Of Terror

World attention has focused lately on terrorism in Paris, but meanwhile Boko Haram has murdered thousands this month. NPR’s Scott Simon speaks with journalist Alex Perry about the Nigerian group.

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Increasing Number Of Western Women Flee To Syria

Hayat Boumeddiene, wife of one of the Paris gunmen, has reportedly fled to Syria. As Vivienne Walt of Time notes, Boumeddiene is part of a trend of hundreds of Western women traveling to Syria.

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Despite Charlie Hebdo, Optimism On The Future Of Islam In Europe

A decade ago, Irshad Manji called for reform within Islam in her book, The Trouble with Islam Today. NPR’s Rachel Martin talks to Manji about her reaction to the recent events in France.

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Thousands March Across U.S. Demanding Police Reforms

Tens of thousands gathered in cities across the country Saturday to draw attention to several high profile deaths of unarmed black men at the hands of police.

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Uber’s Traffic Jammed In Netherlands, India And Spain

Uber says it has worked in 52 countries since its 2010 launch, but our number cruncher Mona Chalabi tells NPR’s Rachel Martin the tally is changing as some countries try to ban the ride-sharing service.

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