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India’s Great Invisible Workforce

According to census data released this month, a whopping 160 million women in India, 88 percent of who are of working age (15 to 59 years), are confined to their homes performing ‘household duties’ rather than gainfully employed in the formal job sector. Dubbed India’s ‘great invisible workforce’, this demographic is primarily involved in rearing […]

Posted in Current Headlines

India’s New Sexism of ‘Safety’

Nirbhaya Vigil

by Neeta Lal –India– December 16, 2013 marked the one-year anniversary of the death of Nirbhaya, the young physiotherapist who died after being brutally gang raped and assaulted with iron rods on a moving bus by six men, including a

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

Balancing the Gender Skew in India: A New Name, A New Beginning?

by Neeta Lal –India– In an innovative bid to fight gender discrimination, Satara district in India’s western state of Maharashtra recently witnessed a minor revolution. Over 285 Indian girls named Nakhushi, ‘unwanted’ in Hindi, by their disenchanted parents were rechristened

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

India’s Bikini Ban: Blaming Women for Rape

by Neeta Lal – India – The alleged rape of a nine-year-old Russian girl in January by two Indian men in Goa has ricocheted far beyond India’s resort state. Famous for its sun, sand and surf, since the assault this

Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

The Great Indian Gender Divide: An Area of Darkness

by Neeta Lal – India – With a booming economy, an exponentially growing Information Technology (IT) sector and surging economic prosperity amongst its 300 million-plus middle class, India seems poised for superpower status. However, beneath the spectacular “India Shining” story

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Posted in Economy, FEATURE ARTICLES

Benazir Bhutto: India’s View of What Was Lost by Her Death

by Neeta Lal – India – While Benazir Bhutto’s tragic assassination has rudely jolted Pakistan – a country already torn asunder by political instability and terrorism – it has also had a strong resonance across all of Asia especially in

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics

Boys Outnumber Girls in India at an Ever Growing Rate

by Neeta Lal – India – Kaveri Nambiar, 25, a Brahmin woman from Chennai in southern India, married a farmer’s son in Punjab, up north, a few months ago. But rather than glowing with the happiness of newly married bliss,

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

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