Blog Archives

Raids Ahead of RNC in Twin Cities

Reports in the independent media Twin Cities Daily Planet of raids on persons planning to demonstrate who are quests in private houses are very chilling. Amy Goodman was among the journalists on the spot. She climbed over a fence with

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Sexist Coverage in NY Times of BlogHer Conference

Today’s New York Times covers this year’s BlogHer conference in its Fashion and Style pages, a blatantly sexist effort to contribute to the nearly universal attack on women by the US dominated corporate media. The report states that though fifty

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New Texts

Rereading Carolyn Heilbrun’s Writing A Woman’s Life, published in 1988 led me to reread Virginia Woolf’s Three Guineas, 1938. Heilbrun is calling for “new texts,” new concepts of what a woman’s life could be. Woolf gave the world powerful new

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Democracy Demands Discussion and Disagreement

An aspect of totalitarian regimes is that while there may be voting, there is no choice. The ruling party puts forward “the candidate” to be ratified. The current effort in the US by the two major parties and the press

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Knit In for Peace

March 19 marks the anniversary of the illegal invasion of Iraq by the US. Many of us here are planning actions to protest the continued illegal occupation of that country and the aggression of the Bush regime. Winter Soldier, which

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The Closing of US Society and Winter Soldier

I have seen the United States change from a vital and open society and democracy to a closed, repressive, authoritarian one in my life time. Never a perfect place, a nation which has made many errors and done bad things,

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Women Will Find Solutions

The spate of articles about Kenya are very moving. I know Philo Ikonya is correct when she says “I believe it must be the women who find the solutions.” I heard recently of UN Resolution 1325 that says women must

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Great New Feature

It is really good to be using this new feature for the first time. I look forward to making more substantive remarks, but maybe it is more important than I realize. A place for people all over the world to

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