Blog Archives

The Granny Peace Brigade Campaigns to Close All US Military Bases – in Latin America and Around the World

by Nancy Van Ness – USA – Their hats adorned with artificial flowers identify them at many of the protests in which I participate. The Grannies also show up on New York City’s Union Square to sing their signature anti-war

Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics, The World

Perceived as “Dykes, Whores, Bitches”: 1 in 3 Military Women Experience Sexual Abuse

by Nancy Van Ness – USA – I knew it was bad, but I didn’t know just how bad. Colonel Ann Wright, retired US Army, grabbed the audience’s attention at a panel called Women in the Military, hosted last month

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics, The World

Art for a Time of Crisis

by Nancy Van Ness – USA – In a heap on the studio floor as though they had collapsed under some disaster, fallen birds present a scene of despair. I am drawn toward them. They are a very powerful artistic

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics

Broadway Corporations like Disney Make Millions as Stagehands Strike to Save Homes, Jobs

by Nancy Van Ness – USA – I cross 42nd Street and walk up Times Square. It is a cold, windy, rainy day but I had promised to come. I continue past the army recruiting center and the police headquarters;

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Artists Make Art Because They Must

by Nancy Van Ness – USA – Forty Years Ago – I was flying. The other dancers and I, in lines, executed jumps across the studio, immediately turning and coming back – jumping over and over again – propelled by

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The Life or Slow Death of American Artists

by Nancy Van Ness – USA – As director of a performing ensemble, one of the joys of my life is to support other artists and witness their work. There is nothing more satisfying than watching my young colleague Lena

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Posted in Education, FEATURE ARTICLES

Unreal Beauty Is Dangerous to the Soul

by Nancy Van Ness – USA – I know what I look like, more than most people. I study photographs and film footage of myself dancing in a unitard assiduously, in order to hone my work. Not many people scrutinize

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