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Most Influential Women Nominations

The National Law Journal, is seeking nominations for the “Washington’s Most Influential Women” report. Candidates should be lawyers based in the Metropolitan Washington area – in private practice, government, public interest groups, lobby shops or academia – who have

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Madonna, The Aging Rock Star

I was watching TV recently when three news anchors, two females and one male, began speaking about Madonna’s new clothing line inspired by Lourdes, her teenage daughter. What upset me was that she was inappropriately referred to as an “aging

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Consequences Of The War

The recent article by Melissa Hahn on Veteran Suicides really touched a nerve in me. Like the Edwin Starr song says, War, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing, nothing rings more true now. This situation is really unfortunate. I

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Architect of Misfortune?

Happy Belated New Year! I’m so happy you made it to the New Year. We should be thankful we made it because so many people didn’t. It’s the beginning of the year and as we all lists of New Year’s

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Michelle Obama’s Popularity Slipping!

In the news today, they stated that Michelle Obama’s popularity is slipping. They said this is mostly because many feel she is not doing anything tangible as the first lady. Aside from being the first lady, wife and mother to

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America & Debt

I was recently watching the news about the debt crisis in America. We all love nice things which cost money. They featured a family with $60,000 worth of credit card debt. They owed some money, couldn’t keep up and then

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Happy Belated New Year!

The number 7 holds a special place because it is said by many to be a lucky number and the number of completion. I was too busy to wish everyone a happy New Year on the 1st so decided to

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Give Free Music To Our Troops For Free!

Spread the holiday cheer by giving the gift of free music to a Soldier in the U.S. Army this holiday season, free of charge by going to Billboard’s got the free tunes. You choose one message from: We support

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Please Take A Moment To Thank Our Troops In Iraq For Free!

If you go to you can pick out a thank you card and Xerox will print it send it to a soldier that is currently serving in Iraq. You can’t pick who gets it, but it will go to

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Michelle Obama’s Inaugural Dress

We are in a recession but the inauguration is still coming and there has been much talk about Michelle Obama’s inauguration dress. Well as you know designers will do anything for publicity and now many are vying to dress the

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