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Tell Republican Leaders to Denounce Rush Limbaugh’s Anti-Women Tirade

“What does it say about the college co-ed Susan Fluke [sic] who goes before a congressional committee and essentially says that she must be paid to have sex — what does that make her? It makes her a slut, right?

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Want To Close The Gender Gap In Political Ambition?

Join Emerge America for an exclusive webinar featuring Jennifer L. Lawless. Wednesday, February 22, 2012 at 5 PM EST She will discuss her new report (co-authored with Richard L. Fox) Men Rule: The Continued Under-Representation of Women in U.S. Politics.

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UCSF Medical Center Won’t Treat An Undocumented Kidney Patient!

Jesus Navarro could die without a kidney transplant. His wife is a match, she wants to donate her kidney to save her husband’s life, and he even has health insurance to cover the transplant, but because he is undocumented, the

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STOP PIPA (Senate 968) & SOPA (HR 3261)

Imagine a world without craigslist, Wikipedia, Google, or your favorite sites? it will be pretty bad. News Corp, RIAA, MPAA, Nike, Sony, Comcast, VISA & others want to make that world your reality. 80 Members of Congress are in their

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51st Anniversary of Patrice Lumumba’s Assassination

Today, Tuesday, January 17, 2012 is the 51st anniversary of the assassination of Patrice Lumumba by the United States and Belgium (Belgium apologized in 2002), in cahoots with select Congolese elites. Congolese people and friends of the Congo throughout the

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Special Women’s Retreat by Dr. Birute Regine

In the silence of our collective hearts, women all over the world are listening and responding to a summons, to connect to our passion, to shape our communities in ways that honor our connection to the Earth and to each

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Lowe’s Prove Your Commitment To Diversity!

TLC launched a popular reality show called All-American Muslim about everyday Americans, who happen to be Muslim, going about their normal daily lives including playing sports, going to school, going to work and paying their taxes. This was too much

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Tim Cook, CEO of Apple Inc.: Make Conflict-Free Products With Minerals From Congo!

Gold, tin, tungsten, and tantalum power many Apple Inc. products including iPhones, iPads, and MacBooks. These minerals are in abundance in Congo where the deadliest war in the world today has been raging for over fifteen years. Also, Belgium and

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March Against Voter Suppression Laws!

Our voting rights are under attack by the most aggressive effort our nation has seen in over a century. This year, two-thirds of state legislatures have introduced laws that undermine people’s right to vote. Early voting and Sunday voting are

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Coke’s Trash in the Grand Canyon! ‏

What can you buy with $13 million? If you’re Coca-Cola, you can buy enough influence with the National Parks Service to cancel plans to make the Grand Canyon more environmentally friendly. Plastic water bottles are the biggest single source of

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