Blog Archives

Hands On in Haiti: Defying Disaster and Questioning Humanitarianism

by Michelle Chen –USA– It’s been weeks since I left Haiti, but the fractured images of the ruined city replay themselves like a battered flipbook. Speeding through the streets of Leogane, near Port-au-Prince, on a sputtering moto-taxi, you see two-story

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

Making Farms Friendlier: Watchdogs Expose Myth Behind “Humane” Food Labeling

by Michelle Chen – USA – A typical suburban supermarket aisle today will feature free-range turkeys and grass-fed steak glistening in shrink wrap—a sign, perhaps, that Americans are growing more conscious of the connection between tonight’s dinner and the environment.

Posted in Economy, FEATURE ARTICLES

E-waste: America’s Electronics Feed the Global Digital Dump

by Michelle Chen – USA – The landscape of Guiyu, a remote town in China’s Guangdong province, embodies a collision between past and future. Amid acidic plumes of smoke and vast mountains of trash, migrants scour for valuable scraps using

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Immigrant Survivors of Abuse Struggle within a Changing System

by Michelle Chen – USA – “I can scream, and nobody can hear me.” The walls had been closing in on Monica Bejar for years. She and her husband had both crossed over the U.S.-Mexico border for work, like countless

Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics

Abuse Survivors Face Systemic Struggles as Resources for Help Dwindle

by Michelle Chen – USA – Tanya McLeod’s marriage was hurting, but her husband thought he could make it up to her when he brought her a cute dog as a “peace offering.” The family stayed together and the dog

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics, The World

Vanishing City: Post-Katrina Redevelopment Excludes “poor and working-class”

by Michelle Chen – USA – Feb. 5th – Today marks Fat Tuesday in New Orleans and the most celebrated day of Mardi Gras festivities. As thousands of visitors flock to the city to celebrate, thousands more have yet to

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Posted in Economy, FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics

Creating Sustainable Cities: The Bay Area and New York City Lead the Way

by Michelle Chen – USA – Angela Greene has a tough job: she and her workcrew scale the rooftops of Richmond, California to run wires, lay racks, and bend metal piping. Yet in the end, when she unfurls a gleaming

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Posted in Economy, FEATURE ARTICLES

Living in the Homes of Strangers: Foster Care Reform Should Focus on Family

by Michelle Chen – USA – After spending years living in the homes of strangers, Andreah Moyer finally found her way back to her grandfather at the age of seventeen. One question had burned in her mind all that time:

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics

Threatening Tides: Extinguishing Ecosystems and Communities in the Name of Hydroelectric Power

by Michelle Chen – USA – “Rich men dam the water Flooding the hill rice field, causing problems for Mother Rich men dam the river Flooding the roof and making Mother homeless” To the Karen people living along the Salween

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Posted in Economy, FEATURE ARTICLES

Political Education: Opponents of the Khalil Gibran International Academy Claim It Will Teach Terrorism

by Michelle Chen – USA – April 30, 2008 – Now that the media is again abuzz with debate over Debbie Almontaser, the Khalil Gibran International Academy and the surrounding political controversy, The WIP felt it was a good time

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Posted in Education, FEATURE ARTICLES

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