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Darfur Week of October 26, 2008

Sudan Launches Peace Initiative for Darfur Amid accusations that the recent initiative that was launched by the ruling National Congress Party is merely window dressing, a conference was held to discuss the implementation and goals of the peace initiative. Various

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Darfur Week of October 17, 2008

Sudan President Says Only DNA Test Can Prove Rape in Darfur The President of Sudan, has questioned claims of rape in Sudan and called all the claims by women in the camps fabrications. He is fully convinced that no mass

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Darfur Week of October 10, 2008

Darfur civil society, tribal leaders discuss peace and reconciliation The Darfur-Darfur Dialogue and Consultation (DDDC) is an autonomous and non-politicized process owned by Darfurians. It facilitates a broad and inclusive consultation process and helps Darfurians find solutions to the root

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Darfur Week of October 3, 2008

Darfur This Week UNAMID police deployment (from 12 countries) nears 50% of authorized strength During the last month 189 police advisors, including 17 female advisors, from 12 countries have arrived in Darfur to join UNAMID. They are training Community Policing

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Darfur Week of September 26, 2008

African-UN Peacekeepers in Darfur Train Sudanese Forces on Protection UNAMID conducted a workshop last week on security coordination for senior and mid-level managers focusing on sharing information between UNAMID and the Sudanese government in order to bolster the security of

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Darfur Week of September 19th, 2008

Presidency meeting in Sudan stresses on coordination with South Africa Many issues were discussed during the meeting of the Presidency of the Republic this past week. Highlights include the necessity of coordination with South Africa in all regional and international

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Darfur: Week of September 12, 2008

Egypt on talks with UN, others for deal to resolve Darfur crisis A package deal that covers all political, humanitarian, security and legal aspects of the Darfur crisis has been submitted as a proposal by the Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed

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Darfur: Week of September 5, 2008

Sudan foreign minister says ruling NCP not serious about Darfur peace The National Congress Party (NCP) is under attack by Deng Alor, the Sudanese foreign minister. He has stated that the parties must sit at the negotiating tables. Deng Alor

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Darfur Week of August 29, 2008

Al-Jazeera TV w/ Sud. Rebel’s Advisor on Hijacked Plane – on board leaders from Land Commission This is a short interview between Al-Jazeera and Abd-al-Aziz Uthman, an advisor to the SLM. The interviewer asked Uthman what he thinks the motive

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Darfur Week of August 22, 2008

Sudanese ruling party accuses Islamist leader (Al-Turabi) of working with US, UK to oust Bashir It’s the second week of attacks on the Popular Congress Party’s (PCP) leader Al-Turabi. This time, it’s not from the newly re-elected Taha, who last

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