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A Personal Case for Living a Less Intentional Career Path

Cross-posted from Womenetics. Lately I’ve seen a raft of new books aimed at helping women achieve success, which include lists of “secrets,” often contradictory. Looking back over my experience, here’s an alternative: be open to constant learning and risk-taking, live

Posted in The WIP Talk

What’s a woman to do?

Health care for women is in the news these days. But what does it all mean? Having just researched for my new book what different decisions emerge when 30% women are at the table, I can’t help but wonder what

Posted in The WIP Talk, Uncategorized

A New Frontier – Gender Equality is Smart Business

I wish you had been there to join us in an exciting exploration of a new way to look at the advancement and empowerment of women. The Demos Women’s Leadership Initiative Forum series sponsored our 10th event, “Gender Equality as

Posted in The WIP Talk, Uncategorized

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