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Greek Cabinet Meets On Proposal Amid Calls For A Compromise

Greece has until the end of today to turn in new proposals to secure a fresh bailout from its creditors. Meanwhile, there are growing calls for debt restructuring.

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European Leaders Warn Greeks On ‘No’ Vote In Referendum

They say a rejection of the terms of a bailout would mean leaving the eurozone. The Greek government has urged its citizens to vote “no.” The country is one day away from defaulting on an IMF loan.

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Climate Change Meeting To Focus On Ensuring Countries Keep Commitments

The meeting in Bonn, Germany, comes a day after European energy companies urged countries to adopt a pricing system for carbon emissions.

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New French Rules Would Expand Surveillance Of Terrorism Suspects

Lawmakers in the lower house of parliament voted overwhelmingly to approve the measure. The legislation, which must still be approved by the country’s Senate, has been criticized as highly intrusive.

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Airline CEO: Plane Descended For 8 Minutes Before Crash

Germanwings’ CEO says the plane underwent a routine check on Monday. French officials said all 150 passengers onboard the plane traveling from Barcelona to Duesseldorf are likely dead.

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Paris Bans Some Cars For A Day To Battle Smog

According to one company that measures air quality, the French capital last week briefly dethroned New Delhi and Beijing as the world’s most polluted city.

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Nun, Who Tried To Prevent Robbery, Gang Raped In India

The attack on the septuagenarian occurred about 50 miles northeast of Kolkata. Officials have ordered an investigation.

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India Bans Film About Infamous 2012 Gang Rape

The government also says it will investigate how the makers of India’s Daughter got permission to interview one of the men convicted of the brutal rape and killing of a 23-year-old woman in New Delhi.

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Jailed Saudi Blogger Granted Another Reprieve From Flogging; Reason Unclear

Raif Badawi is being punished for insulting Islam. He was flogged Jan. 9, part of a sentence of 50 lashes a week for 20 weeks, along with a decade in prison. Two previous rounds were also canceled.

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Portugal To Offer Citizenship To Descendants Of Expelled Jews

Portugal’s Jews were expelled, burned at the stake or forcibly converted to Christianity 500 years ago. The government wants says it wants to right a wrong. Spain approved a similar law last year.

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