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Army Reviewing Rape Charges Against U.S. Troops In Colombia

After some prominent scandals involving U.S. security officials in Colombia, new allegations of sex crimes are getting some traction there.

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The 33 Venezuelan Mayors Who Face Charges (And Oppose The President)

President Nicolas Maduro’s government hasn’t solved food shortages or ended high inflation. It’s been more effective in cracking down on the opposition, filing legal charges against many mayors.

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Venezuela’s Maduro Sees Only Plots As His Economy Crumbles

Venezuela’s president is expelling most U.S. diplomats and demanding Americans secure visas to enter the country. Critics say it’s an effort to draw attention from the the nation’s economic meltdown.

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Venezuela Braces For A Tough Year Ahead

The country’s economy is a mess and low oil prices are hurting the oil-exporting nation. While President Nicolas Maduro is unpopular among many Venezuelans, the opposition is fractured and weak.

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