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As Antibiotic Resistance Spreads, WHO Plans Strategy To Fight It

The problem has gotten so bad that some doctors are pondering a “post-antibiotic world.” The World Health Organization says countries need to boost surveillance for resistance and develop new drugs.

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Who Did This To Peru’s Jungle?

When the price of gold skyrocketed, illegal miners flooded into the country’s Amazon basin, eager to find even the tiniest bits of the precious metal. Trees and villagers have paid a price.

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New Clues To Mysterious Kidney Disease Afflicting Sugar Cane Workers

What’s causing the ailment that has struck 20,000 farmhands in Nicaragua and El Salvador? Pesticides? Alcoholism? Rat pee spreading an infection? A study from Boston University provides some answers.

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Ebola Survivor: The Best Word For The Virus Is ‘Aggression’

Dr. Ian Crozier was Emory University Hospital’s sickest Ebola patient; his kidneys failed and he was on life support. He made a miraculous recovery and says the illness made him a better physician.

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Pakistan Keeps On Vaccinating Despite Tough Terrain And Terror Threat

Just getting a measles vaccine to a child in Pakistan was once an impossible dream. Despite many obstacles, health workers have made great progress in stopping infectious diseases.

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