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1 Month to Go!! Anti-Stree​t Harassment Week Mar 30 – April 5


No one should feel unsafe in their neighborhood, their local store or on a bus, but this is how countless people worldwide feel because of gender-based street harassment. This global problem is too often a hidden problem…. but by collectively

Posted in The WIP Talk

Young Women Launch Afghanistan’s First Anti-Street Harassment Campaign

by Holly Kearl –USA– Carrying banners and signs with messages like, “We will not tolerate harassment,” “Islam forbids men from insulting women,” and “I have the right to walk freely in my city,” on July 14, 50 brave women and

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, Politics

Breaking the Silence: Rallying around the World to End Gender-based Street Harassment

by Holly Kearl –USA– What does a woman in Bangalore, India, standing on a busy street corner, waiting for a bus have in common with a teenage girl in Queens, New York, dressed in her school uniform, waiting for the

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Posted in FEATURE ARTICLES, The World

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