Blog Archives

Binalakshmi Nepram-Mentschel

Binalakshmi Nepram-Mentschel was born in the state of Manipur in India’s Northeast region state, bordering Myanmar. She is a writer-activist who is spearheading work on making disarmament a movement and meaningful issue. In 2004, Bina co-founded India’s first civil society

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Juliette Terzieff

juliette terzieff

Juliette Terzieff is a freelance journalist, currently based in Clearwater, FL, who has worked for the San Francisco Chronicle, Newsweek, CNN International, Women’s eNews and the London Sunday Times during time spent in the Balkans, the Middle East and South

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Louise Belfrage

louise belfrage

Louise Belfrage was born in Sweden, earned her BA in Comparative Religion and Philosophy at the Stockholm University, and has worked in social science and liberal arts research, TV and publishing. Presently living in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Louise is an

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Anna Clark

anna clark

Anna Clark’s writing has appeared in The American Prospect, Utne Reader, AlterNet, Writers’ Journal, Bitch Magazine, Religion Dispatches, Women’s eNews, ColorLines, RH Reality Check, make/shift, and other publications. She edits the blog, Isak, and she contributes video book reviews to

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Constance Manika

Constance Manika is a journalist who works for the independent press in Zimbabwe. She writes under this pseudonym to escape prosecution from a government whose onslaught and level of intolerance to journalists in the independent press is well documented.

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Lara Vogel

lara vogel

After graduating from Stanford University with a B.A. in Human Biology and International Public Health, Lara Vogel took the logical next step: a writing career. Most recently, she has been traveling to over twenty countries as a travel writer, and

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Glory Mushinge

glory mushinge

Glory Mushinge is a Zambian freelance journalist with an MA in International Journalism and Post Graduate qualification in International Human Rights Law, both from Cardiff University in the UK. Awards include: ‘Best Female Reporter on ICT for Development Issues,’ awarded

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Sarah Hurd

sarah hurd

Sarah Hurd is a writer, singer, and fashion designer whose works strive to build community, bring a fresh perspective, and ask for more from this world. One of her biggest passions is diversity and equality, which guide her through San

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Natasha Dokovska

natasha dokovska

Natasha Dokovska has been a journalist for 23 years, covering social issues and human rights in Macedonia. She has been an editor for international policy, an advocate for human rights as an NGO activist and publisher, and has edited books

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Delphine Zulu

Delphine Zulu is a Zambian journalist and has worked for The Times of Zambia newspaper for seven years. She also contributes to the online South African publication, Genderlinks.

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