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Villages in Ghana that No Longer Have Child Deaths to Record

Zainab Abubakar saves children’s lives. A few years ago she was just an ordinary woman with no medical training living in rural Kpilo in Ghana’s Northern Region.  Here the nearest medical clinic is a 12-km walk away and serves the 20 to 40 communities within this electoral area. Across Northern Region, less than 10 percent […]

The post Villages in Ghana that No Longer Have Child Deaths to Record appeared first on Inter Press Service.

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Ghana’s Small Women’s Savings Groups Have Big Impact

Dunwaa Soayare, 45, a smallholder farmer, widow and mother of five had the sort of economic profile that meant she was denied access to credit from Ghana’s mainstream banking institutions. She had no collateral, no bank account and found it impossible to provide three meals a day for her children, let alone ensure that they […]

The post Ghana’s Small Women’s Savings Groups Have Big Impact appeared first on Inter Press Service.

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Hope for HIV Positive Teenagers in Northern Ghana

With tears rolling down her cheeks, Zainab Salifu queued at the fevers unit of the Tamale Teaching Hospital in northern Ghana. Earlier in the day, the 18-year-old had been diagnosed HIV positive. Despite the kind counselling offered by senior nurse Felicity Bampo, Salifu felt her world was crumbling. She wanted to die. As Salifu told […]

The post Hope for HIV Positive Teenagers in Northern Ghana appeared first on Inter Press Service.

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