Blog Archives

Dreams deferred

We meet low-income families from across the US who struggle to keep up with their finances in the post-recession era.

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Major Attacks in Egypt

Though attacks became more frequent in 2011, since Morsi’s removal from power in 2013 they have escalated dramatically.

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Syrian children ‘increasingly exploited’ for labour

UNICEF and Save the Children say increasing child labour is creating a “lost generation” of Syrian children.

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Yemen’s children suffer collective trauma

Medics in Yemen barely have tools to tend to physical wounds of Yemeni children, let alone psychological ones.

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More than 110 killed in Indonesian military plane crash

Reports say all 113 people killed on board air force plane that crashed in Medan, while three others died on the ground.

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Reverse colonialism: Angola snaps up Portuguese media

Angolan oil wealth filters back into Portugal as the former colony buys up news outlets in the country.

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Vatican under fire from Israel over deal with Palestine

Agreement is the first between both parties since Palestine was recognized by the Vatican two years ago.

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South Sudan government declares cholera outbreak

Health minister’s delayed response comes after water-borne disease takes 18 lives and infects 171 people.

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Azerbaijan pressured over sex-selective abortions

Azerbaijan has one of the world’s highest selective abortion rates, with women pressured or choosing to abort girls.

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Refugee crises ‘reflect world in chaos’

Political will to stop conflicts missing, with old ones festering and new ones constantly erupting, UN official says.

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